blue balloon

I meet a friend, another pastor, every month to hike and talk. We discuss ideas for church, our sermon topics for certain seasons and sometimes particular sermons, regional and denominational events, theology and life in general. All this is done while hiking, followed with lunch. As we came out of the woods yesterday, we noticed a partially inflated blue balloon with a blue ribbon caught in a brown bush. We agreed that the balloon was a hazard to animal and bird life and should be removed, although that meant carrying the balloon a few miles. As we untangled the balloon, we noticed writing on it, and both silently read, “Hey Dad, I miss you very much. Not a day goes by that I don’t think of you. It’s been getting easier but still hard.  I’ve been doing good in school and football. Again, I miss you and Jeff very much. Love Justin.”

Note to self: what I deem to be dangerous trash, may be a heartfelt call for prayer. Most things in life have a story……